=== How to decrypt PROSEL uploads === The ProSel files are encrypted using the CRYPTOR program and they are decrypted by the same program. In order to use CRYPTOR to decrypt a file, you must know the codeword. For the PROSEL uploads, users can find the codeword as follows: In the PROSEL documentation on approximately page 6 (11 if double spaced) there is a section called REMARKS. The 3rd paragraph of that section begins "With respect to the 40...". [In some earlier versions that paragraph begins "You might ask...".] The LAST word of that paragraph is the codeword. Files will be uploaded by usual means, usually with BLU and XMODEM. Step by step directions: 1. Download the file with XMODEM. 2. Use BLU on the downloaded file to produce the encrypted files, which usually have the suffix ".CRY" and are of type $00 (NON) (some files are not encrypted). 3. Run CRYPTOR to decrypt the file, using the codeword described above. This will yield the original program. CRYPTOR should tell you that the file was an encrypted file. If not, then something is wrong, perhaps in step 1. If decrypting did not work, you will get a message saying that the checksum is incorrect. The file will still have been saved and you must not try to run it in this case.